Nanikala Coke

Postpartum Doula

Nanikala’s desire to become a doula stemmed from her experience with the birth of her
son. Making her appreciate how much women deserve the utmost support and care
during pregnancy and after birth. The birth story of her son is a laborious one; he
is a NICU graduate who is now a thriving little boy. Her experience pushed her to
reach out and help other parents in the community. Her nurturing and intuitive nature
inspires her love for helping others.She offers education and resources throughout pregnancy.
Always providing
physical and emotional support during and after childbirth while empowering your birth
choices. She is passionate about helping women go through their personal rite of
passage into the magical and spiritual event of motherhood. It is her deep
belief that doulas make a difference in the world.
In her spare time, Nani loves the great outdoors- including camping, fishing and hiking.
She also enjoys playing the ukulele and volunteering at a local horse rescue.

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